About Us
We are a multi-facetted business providing a diverse range of products and services for our customers.
In Particular

Yacht and Boat Repairs
Carrying out those repairs or
modifications too small for most boat builders to care about.
Specialising in the maintenance or rebuilding of racing dinghies and equipment
including carbon fibre spars.

Carbon Fibre Spar Repairs
Carrying out those repairs or
modifications too small for most boat builders to care about.
Specialising in the maintenance or rebuilding of racing dinghies and equipment
including carbon fibre spars.

Design Desk
The yacht fittings we manufactured and sold in the past
are available to all as drawings and solid model files.
Feel free to contacts us directly for a DXF drawing or STEP solid
model file of any part we have made in the past to enable manufacturing your own parts or have someone manufacture them for you.
Alternatively if you have a specific application that requires a custom designed fitting,
contact us directly.

Technical Writing
Be it data sheets, technical bulletins, instruction or operational manuals, technical presentational material. We can produce to your requirements.

Machine Shop Software
Having run a CNC machineshop for near two decades and produces software to manage the process; we provide free of charge, the software used.
Written in Microsoft Access all codes are included for direct and personolised application.