2024 Update

When Marten Marine took the mould for the Mk2 Marten Finn from an actively sailing wooden boat they incorporated this wooden boat's
puffed out bow cheeks (being hard to make a wooden boat with sunken cheeks).
Modern boats
(such as this 2007 Pata Finn) have the reverse curved sunken bow cheeks in the horizontal plane so that the bow cuts through waves.
A boat with puffed out bow cheeks is more likely to lift up the face of the waves and loose forward momentum.

Whilst we had a 2007 Pata Finn in the yard for renovation, took a copy of the bow profile from Staion 8 forward.

From the Finn table of offsets; cut station 8 and the bow stem profiles in plywood. Glued them and the new bow profile together.
Added two layers of double bias fibreglass on the inside and fixed a temporary bulkhead to make a strongly supported bow insert module.

Cut away the original bow section till the new bow insert sat nicely on the boat.

Bit of nipping and tucking and we got a nice match between the two. Glued and glassed the new bow insert on and removed the temporary profiles.
Turned the boat over and removed the temporary bulkhead and reinforced the join between old and new from inside with a layer of double biased fibreglass.

Filled, faired and painted the hull.

The new sunken bow cheeks.
2024 upgrade finished.